Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 17, the Facts of the Great Barrier Reef

Welcome to the facts of the great barrier reef!
"You want to learn more about this majestic Reef that attracts hundreds and thousands of visitors each year?
If the answer is Yes! Then, you have come to the right place"!
 The reef is really interesting, but frankly incredible, and it is the youngest of its kind in the world, but guess what?
It's the largest reef on the planet today that we speak and will always be in our lives!
> >
The large reef is made up of over 2900 individual reefs that are located in the adjacent Coral Sea to Australia's North-East coast of Queensland.
 "As with almost all the coral reefs, it lies in the tropics and covers an area of 344,000 square kilometers (133,000 square miles) in the metric scale! It?s also very long and tracks down the coast Australian 2600 kilometres, which is more than 1 600 miles in length".
 The space- The reef is so huge, it can be seen from space! Yes, you can see way to from the top, it is often viewed by astronauts and now even from space outer guided tours!
 Structure of reef- The structure of the reef is constructed and maintained by billions of organisms called coral polyps. These corals have believe it or not have a stomach and digestive system as we do!

 World Heritage listed: This reef is also labelled as a "world heritage" site and is one of 7 natural wonders of the world, as marked by CN. In addition, included in this list is the volcano of the Great wall of China, Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, Victoria Falls, Aurora and Paricutin.
 Listed World Heritage:The greater part of the reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This helps and slows down our footprint on the reef with controlled fishing and tourism. Commercial ships must navigate around the Park and permit must be applied for before the entry!
 Popular with tourists and the facts of the great barrier reef:
 This part of the coastline in Australia is supported by tourism and the business is thriving with more than 1 billion generated each year.
Of course this varies with the rise and fall of the Australian dollar, but over time this many favorite tourist destination has stood its ground and if you've visited here before you know exactly why!
 Main destinations are Cairns, Townsville and popular very super Airlie Beach. These cities are fundamentally stepping stones to the reef and the neighbours of the Islands.
 In reality Airlie beach is often called as the gateway to the reef!
All three cities have much to offer and are truly individual, but if you travel at the right time,  you just maybe want to head South to see the truly Grand Humpback whales at Harvey Bay as they come to give birth in these warm waters.

This is the Humpback whales birth first stop and they reside here for some time before heading south again to Antarctica.
 I assume that they feel that the waters are quite hot and Bay offers protection against predators such as the great white shark, who despise warmer waters.
 Some whales travel a little further north and closer to the reef and are regularly seen as in the North to the Whitsundays and yes I saw that with my very own eyes!
I hope you enjoyed this article of the facts of the Great Barrier Reef ?
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Facts of the great barrier reef

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